Refill SommelYeah Box

Refill for your SommelYeah Box

Did you enjoy our Sommelyeah Box?

For the SommelYeah Box we use a wooden Box and linnen bags. This box can be re-used and the linnen bags refilled for your own pleasure or to give to a friend. This is better for the environment and it also makes a refill cheaper :-).

You can order a refill for the SommelYeah Box you already played or refill your Box with a different SommelYeah Box content.

What is in the refill package?

– 3 bottles with a waxed top, wrapped in silk paper with small A, B, C envelops.

– tastingforms and gameleader envelop

– the online quizzz shared with you

Did you really like some of the bottles and would you like to know where you can order them? Please contact us at

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