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Blind Tasting Wine Game



SommelYeah Box Finally Available

What is a SommelYeah Box?

The SommelYeah Box is the perfect box for a nice winetasting with friends, family, colleagues or a wineclub. The special thing about this box is, that it is a blind tasting box.

How can this be? Well, we’ve selected several wines, we think would be nice to taste besides each other. You don’t know what wines are in the bottle and you do not know which one is which price category.

The first time, you’ll need a complete Box, but the wooden box is re-useable. You can refill it and give it to someone else, or refill it with a different SommelYeah Box refill. 

Why the SommelYeah Box?

At wine tastings someone always knows what wines are being served and this way it will be a total surprise for everybody.

We have the boxes in different variations and different price/quality levels, from beginner level winetasters up to WSET diploma course style.

After tasting the wines you can choose to do a quiz on the internet, before sharing tasting notes together. Just to see how advanced you are at tasting.

What do you need? You’ll need a smartphone to enter the quiz on Kahoot and a computer screen, tablet, iPad or interactive TV on which everyone can see the questions. If you don’t have these items, no worries, email us the name of your SommelYeah Box and we will email you the quiz and in a separate file the answers.


How does it work?

When you order a SommelYeah Box you receive a package at your address.

Step 1

Order a SommelYeah Box

Step 2

After receiving your SommelYeah Box, start opening it. You’ll find three bottles of wine. There is also an envelop in the package, especially for your game leader, so make sure to appoint your game leader.

The wine bottles are placed in winebags so you cannot see what wines you’ve received. If you like playing a game, do not remove the satchel before tasting.

Place the bottles in the winebags besides each other. 

Step 3

Place 3 glasses in front of each participant.

Step 4

Start opening the bottles. Each bottle has a seal on top, so you will not be able to see what wine you’re opening. Please open the bottle and do not look at any text on the corks. The bottles are all original, so cheating is possible, but less fun. 

Step 4

Pour everyone a tasting glass of each wine and make notes if you like, to help you through the next part…. Make sure to pour the glasses in the right order.

We use the WSET guidelines for tasting and tasting notes. Click here for a link to the tastingforms.

Step 5

So now you have all tasted the wines. And perhaps you’ve made notes aswell, which will come in handy for the next part. 

Step 6

Let the game leader start the quiz at His login will bring you to the Kahoot site and to the right game. When he starts the quiz a gamepin will appear. Everyone can log in to the game by entering the right gamecode at Wait untill everyone has entered the game and then click on start.

Step 7

We hope you enjoyed the game and congratulations to the winner.

Each bottle has a small envelop around it’s neck. Here you can find the name of the wine and a QR code. When you scan this QR code, you can find a special discount price for the wines you’ve tasted in the game and the possibility to order these. You can also order a refill of your SommelYeah Box, maybe to play the game again or to give as a gift to other winelovers.

Please enjoy emptying the bottles. We hope you’ve enjoyed our SommelYeah Box experience.

If so, please feel free to share your experience with friends.